Maximum Distinct Elements (medium)

Problem Statement #

Given an array of numbers and a number ‘K’, we need to remove ‘K’ numbers from the array such that we are left with maximum distinct numbers.

Example 1:

Input: [7, 3, 5, 8, 5, 3, 3], and K=2
Output: 3
Explanation: We can remove two occurrences of 3 to be left with 3 distinct numbers [7, 3, 8], we have 
to skip 5 because it is not distinct and occurred twice. 
Another solution could be to remove one instance of '5' and '3' each to be left with three 
distinct numbers [7, 5, 8], in this case, we have to skip 3 because it occurred twice.

Example 2:

Input: [3, 5, 12, 11, 12], and K=3
Output: 2
Explanation: We can remove one occurrence of 12, after which all numbers will become distinct. Then 
we can delete any two numbers which will leave us 2 distinct numbers in the result.

Example 3:

Input: [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5], and K=2
Output: 3
Explanation: We can remove one occurrence of '4' to get three distinct numbers.

Try it yourself #

Try solving this question here:



Maximum distinct numbers after removing K numbers: -1 Maximum distinct numbers after removing K numbers: -1 Maximum distinct numbers after removing K numbers: -1

Solution #

This problem follows the Top ‘K’ Numbers pattern, and shares similarities with Top ‘K’ Frequent Numbers.

We can following a similar approach as discussed in Top ‘K’ Frequent Numbers problem:

  1. First, we will find the frequencies of all the numbers.
  2. Then, push all numbers that are not distinct (i.e., have a frequency higher than one) in a Min Heap based on their frequencies. At the same time, we will keep a running count of all the distinct numbers.
  3. Following a greedy approach, in a stepwise fashion, we will remove the least frequent number from the heap (i.e., the top element of the min-heap), and try to make it distinct. We will see if we can remove all occurrences of a number except one. If we can, we will increment our running count of distinct numbers. We have to also keep a count of how many removals we have done.
  4. If after removing elements from the heap, we are still left with some deletions, we have to remove some distinct elements.

Code #

Here is what our algorithm will look like:



Maximum distinct numbers after removing K numbers: 3 Maximum distinct numbers after removing K numbers: 2 Maximum distinct numbers after removing K numbers: 3

Time complexity #

Since we will insert all numbers in a HashMap and a Min Heap, this will take O(NlogN)O(N*logN) where ‘N’ is the total input numbers. While extracting numbers from the heap, in the worst case, we will need to take out ‘K’ numbers. This will happen when we have at least ‘K’ numbers with a frequency of two. Since the heap can have a maximum of ‘N/2’ numbers, therefore, extracting an element from the heap will take O(logN)O(logN) and extracting ‘K’ numbers will take O(KlogN)O(KlogN). So overall, the time complexity of our algorithm will be O(NlogN+KlogN)O(N*logN + KlogN).

We can optimize the above algorithm and only push ‘K’ elements in the heap, as in the worst case we will be extracting ‘K’ elements from the heap. This optimization will reduce the overall time complexity to O(NlogK+KlogK).O(N*logK + KlogK).

Space complexity #

The space complexity will be O(N)O(N) as, in the worst case, we need to store all the ‘N’ characters in the HashMap.

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